National Lockdown and Step 1 (up to and including 11 April 2021):

During national lockdown and in Step 1, holiday accommodation is not permitted to open in England.

We have emailed all customers with a booking in England that are due to travel on or before 11 April 2021 with their options, which include the choice of a refund or a voucher of the amount paid for the booking. Please refer to that email to make your choice.

Step 2 (12 April – 16 May 2021):

In Step 2, self-contained accommodation will be permitted to open and single household parties will be permitted to travel.

We have emailed all customers that we believe are affected by this rule with the option to reduce party size or cancel for a refund or voucher.

If you have not received an email from us, and you are unable to use your booking in compliance with the household restrictions or updated government guidance, please contact us to discuss your options, which will include the choice between a refund and a voucher of the amount paid for your booking.

Step 3 (17 May – 20 June 2021):

In Step 3, domestic overnight stays will be permitted provided that the party size is no greater than six people (from up to six households) or is no more than two households (of any size). We have emailed all customers that we believe are affected by this rule with the option to reduce party size or cancel for a refund or voucher.

If you have not received an email from us, and you are unable to use your booking in compliance with the household/party size restrictions or updated government guidance, please contact us to discuss your options, which will include the choice between a refund and a voucher of the amount paid for your booking.